Friday, April 12, 2013

4/12/13 assignment

In the short story the Lynching of Jube benson, main character, Jube, was accused at the end of the story of murdering the daughter Annie which the doctor had a thing for. When Annie was asked who the culprit was, her final words before death were, "that black...", judging off of what she said, everyone persued Jube. When captured, Jube pleaded not guilty to this crime but was hung regardless so that everyone can see. Immediately following his death, Jubes brother entered the scene and yelled that he was not the true murderer but a white man who had covered himself in dirt/mud to disguise himself as a black man, had murdered Annie. In Sport of the Gods is about a family that was ruined. The father in this short story, Berry, spent some years as a slave and then as a family butler, was accused of stealing money from Frank and was arrested and found guilty of the crime, but afterall we do find out that Berry is in fact falsely accused. Both stories are extremely similar that both include slaves that are actually trusted, and given acceptance, and when something goes wrong or out of place, all fingers are automatically pointed toward them without any real evidence because in that time, blacks were thought of as automatically being the one who "did it". I would not have guessed that both stories were written by the same author either especially being that they were written in the same time period you would think that Paul Dunbar would have used similar tone or language in both texts, but in my opinion the tone and language used in the short story 'the lynching of jube benson' was much more stronger and complex than that in The sport of the Gods.

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